Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Jongjae Flower Market Part 3

The second floor of the 'fresh cut flower' building.. has silk flowers, ribbons, decorative tissues and papers and in late November- December.. Christmas decorations from China. (The same items that you'd get in the states-- just less of it, since, most people in Korea don't celebrate Christmas.)

The ribbons are sold in spools of about 20-25 yards and are a very good value. They have so many beautiful ribbons that it is hard to decide which ones to buy...

Some of the silk flowers and arrangements...

Some of the decorative papers...

I use them for packages, wrapping gift loaves of pumpkin/etc. breads.. they are really more like a thin fabric w/ scalloped edges than they are 'tissue paper' and they also have clear cellphane w/ designs printed on them that you can buy too.

Now, this little guy looked like something that my 2nd graders could have made..

These trees don't have lights on them- they have 'spangles' on them that are made out of shiny plastic disks.. and they glimmered and sparkled and as a result- they just didn't want to take a photo. Different, but interesting.

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