Friday, March 22, 2013

OMG!! OMG!!!!!!

I took a photo this morning of the 'insect' thing on my IPAD and I remembered to show it to one of the teachers who has been living in Italy for over 20 years.  She told me that they were 'baby' ....mosquitoes!  These suckers are HUGE!   No wonder I felt like they were 'waiting'... they were......   THEY were waiting to get BIG ENOUGH TO BITE ME AND SUCK MY BLOOD!!! 


susanc said...

Babies? Yikes!

iwouldratherbeknitting said...

Yes, baby 'giant' ones!

No wonder... they just sat there on the walls... they aren't big enough to buzz about and do their other 'activities'... so, guess who is getting some RAID and spaying the outside walls of that side of the house.

She said it was because of all the rain that we've been having lately...

iwouldratherbeknitting said...

They are about the size 'length wise' of a fly-- but, the bodies are much skinnier right now though.

But, they are huge and are so easy to see just resting on the walls... waiting... waiting.. waiting...