Thursday, June 6, 2013

Everyday view of Italy...

"Here, let me hold that scepter for you." said the lady with buildings for a hat.  Naked man says, "Ok, but, you've got to give me some of your grapes."

Water fountain man wonders how many more centuries he'll be spewing water into the fountain?

Old door knocker on one of those 10 foot tall (or taller) foot thick wooden doors in Italy.

They just don't do workmanship like this anymore, do they?  Or if they did... only the world's wealthiest would be able to afford to have it on their buildings.

Photos taken in LUCCA, ITALY.

1 comment:

Figaro said...

I saw the door knockers and thought of this clip from Labyrinth!

Sometimes the buildings of the past make me wonder what the architect was thinking!