Sunday, June 14, 2009

Happy WWKIPD or JUNE 13th

To celebrate my first 'official day' off from teaching school.. I went with a couple of friends on the train to Nuremberg, Germany. Of course, the first official day of holiday.. really only starts on what would be the FIRST DAY OF WORK.. because, your normal days off.. (as in my case: Saturday and Sunday) you'd have off from work anyway..

I also found out later that it was also WWKIPD ... or WORLD WIDE KNIT IN PUBLIC DAY *Since, I'm always knitting in public.. I must be an 'un-official' charter member?

Here are my contributations to knitting in public:

I knitted on the train ride to Nuremberg (and back too of course) 50 minutes for each leg of the trip.

I knitted off and on while waiting for friends shopping... some shops are tiny and sometimes it's best to have someone wait with the bulging shopping bags outside the shop. I did that a few times.

A few photos...

Outside one shop, I found a lady who just looked bored to me. Maybe even listless?

I thought that I'd help her out...
Now, doesn't she seem somewhat happier? A purpose in life? Or maybe she has even forgotten that there is no water in the little pool for her feet?

*I will admit that a few shoppers had gathered during the posing the statue with my knitting. Also, a couple of elderly ladies came by smiling and talking to me in German while I was sitting outside this shop 'knitting'... I didn't know what they were saying.. so, I just did my usual.. 'smile and nodded my head in agreement.'

Of course, a trip to Nuremberg couldn't end without me stopping at the ONLY YARN SHOP that I've found in Germany. *I'm sure that there are many.. but, I'm in a very rural area and I haven't seen any in the outlying areas where I live.

Here's some sock yarn. One skein will be a gift...

AND some yarn in my favorite colors...

More photos will be posted this week.. about the trip to Nuremberg.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We had a very nice gathering in Ardmore at the local Farmers Market downtown. The yarn you bought looks yummmy!! I haven't bought myself any really nice yarn in a long time.