Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dear Santa,

I have been a really, really good girl this year... ok, I'm officially a WOMAN... but, you know what I mean... and I only want one thing.. ok, two things..

My GERMAN INTERNET CONNECTION to be working again.. so, I can post photos, and have time to think of witty blog entries...

oh, yeah... and WORLD PEACE... that would be good too.

and maybe a way for right sized plastic lids to float in the air and land on the counter.. when you are looking for the 'right lid' for a particular plastic container.


iwouldratherbeknitting... who likes to add photos to her blog entries...


Unknown said...

your photos and blog posts are missed :) Hope you get your christmas wish...

Renna said...

As one who enjoyed your posted photos and witty repartee's (well, you're still witty), I hope Santa comes through for you!